Sunday, May 23, 2010

Inside the Mind and Experiences of a Writer

The writer's mind is always on, and can rarely be switched off. Everything is potential material--from the most inspirational, to the most sobering.

Writers are keen observers of human nature and psychology, and of the most minute details in speech and impressions. I think that good writing should act as a reflecting pool for people's arrogance, misdeeds and a person's conscience, and it is also a reflection of the writer--in that regard, its color and tone takes on the personality of the writer.

Writing is an amalgam of fact, fiction, a gross exaggeration of facts, and a psychic by-product of the Collective Unconscious. It can be cathartic, drive some over the edge, and some have even theorized that writers are like modern day shamans, giving form to the abstract, and creating a kind of intellectual and creative alchemy.

Of all the types of artists that there are, writers are the ones who are left with their ideas to ferment and even torment for years until they can find an outlet for it.

Writers are always keeping a constant inventory, a mental checklist, and if you're lucky, you can see the gears turning in their heads. They are highly insecure, and part of what makes a writer a writer is an openness to let in impressions, but this is also what can make them very vulnerable to the world at large.

A good writer, too, might also have a complex about calling themselves a writer, or a good one. A good writer is always in search of truth in this life, and has a clear and distinct vision about what they are trying to illuminate.

Writers are in some ways the unsung heroes of society, the dark horses who must somehow learn to march to the beat of their own drum and keep their heads held high.

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