Sunday, May 23, 2010

In Loving Memory Poems - Overcoming Writers Block

In loving memory poems can be hard to write. Death can be difficult to deal with for many people. How do you say goodbye to someone you love when you are grieving and have writers block? Thinking of all the wonderful memories you have of your mother, father, sister, brother, husband, or wife can help give you inspiration and get you over that hump.

What makes writing in loving memory poems easier is if you speak from your heart. Think of all of the good times you had with the person. Think of your poem as a way to let the world in on a piece of the unique relationship you and that person shared. I assure you that there are other family members, loved ones, coworkers, friends, and neighbors in the room that will be able to attest to what you are saying.

Let us be honest. Sometimes you are asked to write poems in memory of someone who may not have been the most pleasant person to be around when they were alive. Even if all of the memories are not good you can try to spin their personality traits and events of their life to be a positive thing. What have you learned from their actions, how did they make you grow as a person? There is some good in almost all people.

Another way to get past grieving writers block is to envision the person right there in the room with you. Now have a conversation with them. Let them know what is on your mind, how you are feeling, and how much they meant to you. Recall events and situations that made them special, and reasons why you will never forget them. You may have to write through tears, but if you sit and think long enough the words will come. Use these tips the next time you find yourself needing to write a loving memory poem for a person or pet that you love.

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