Saturday, May 22, 2010

How to Write an EBook - 3 Steps You Must Take

Writing an ebook isn't difficult, but most people go about it all wrong. In this discussion let's focus on nonfiction ebooks. Let's focus on three key things to do before you even get started writing your ebook.

Most people sit down, write a book, convert it into an ebook, and then ask, "Now, how can I sell this thing?" That is the first huge mistake they make. Writing your ebook is actually one of the last things in this process that should be done.

• The very first thing to do is to ask yourself, "What search phrase would people use to find my ebook with?"

• Next find out if anyone is interested in your topic. There are any number of keyword research tools you can use to determine how many monthly searches are done for a particular keyword on a monthly basis. There is no sense in trying to sell an ebook online if only a hundred or so searches are being done for your main keyword phrase.

On the other hand, if you can find a keyword phrase related to your ebook that is getting thousands, or tens-of-thousands of searches a month - you have a chance to sell some books if you can tap into that traffic.

• Finally, use your main keyword phrase and check out your competitors' web pages. How do they promote their ebooks? How attractive and powerful is their sales page? How did they price their ebook?

If you will do your research before writing your ebook, the process of actually selling it will be much easier. After you have done your research, I would strongly suggest you create your sales page before you actually write your ebook. Get some tips on copywriting online and get ideas from your competitors' sites. If your sales page won't convert visitors into buyers, it doesn't matter how great your ebook is - you will never sell a copy.

You may consider this a sad fact, but the amount of money you make from your ebook has much less to do with its quality and much more to do with the quality of the sales letter you put up online.

I am in no means suggesting you try to put up a shoddy ebook to sell online - by no means, I am not. What I am saying is that you must learn everything you can about marketing ebooks first. That is the biggest key to your success.

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