Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Technical Aspects of Technical Writing

Just because you're writing a paper for a highly-technical field (be it Engineering, Math or Physics), it doesn't mean you can do away with proper rules and writing conventions. Yes, you will have to compose the work with as much attention and care as you would if you were making it for that literature subject you dread so much.

What kinds of things do you need to keep in mind to turn up an easy-to-read technical paper?

1. Make sure all your terminology and notations are clear to everyone who reads it, spending appropriate time inw riting definitions when necessary.

2. Never use "etc." unless the succeeding3 items are 100% obvious.

3. Every table, figure, draft, algorithm and diagram should be on the top of a page, not in the body of text. It ruins flow otherwise.

4. As a corollary to the above, the accompanying reference for the graphic should start on the same page. In case it's too big to fit any text in, then use the next page, but that's as flexible as it gets.

5. Never say "for various reasons." It's a cop-out of damaging proportions. If there are reasons, always list them.

6. Always use a technical writing software for proofreading (or, if you have a living, breathing proofreader, all the better). Not doing so is inexcusable, especially if you're serious about your piece.

7. Use large enough fonts (base average is 11 point), with generous spaces and margins. You do want to make your paper readable, right?

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