Monday, June 7, 2010

The All Consuming Inspiration Vs Writers' Block

How do you start a new project? Be it a short story or a 80,000 plus worded novel, you have to start somewhere. And for that you need inspiration. It can come as sparks of thought during the hours of trying to get to sleep, in the middle of a boring business meeting or even in the aisle of a supermarket.

I've had all three. I've had ideas in most strange places. In fact I get so many I find it hard to keep up with them. Before I'm labeled as 'lucky' most of them are worthless, whereas gems get forgotten if I don't write them down. And this is the problem, I find using a notebook a tad tricky to use, especially during 'normal' hours of the day if I'm in a conversation with someone for instance, or in my day job whilst treating a patient or even getting intimate with hub. First, people would soon label you a rude git, second it's very unprofessional to be talking diabetes one moment and whipping out the notebook the next. Third, it's difficult to write whilst you're tied up (only kidding!)

So, my ideas are stored in my head, and yes I forget them. But notebooks aren't for me.

Writers' Block

Then comes the block. The moment where NOTHING is happening. You could have the idea but unable to expand it, or no idea at all. The more you panic and force your brain to work its magic, the worse it seems to be. Maybe unconsciously or not, you're feeling overwhelmed at the task ahead? Maybe you think this book won't be as good as the first, or you've received so many rejections already you think what's the point in writing another book? This is anxiety.

The other option is that you're not writing the correct book. You'll know this if you're failing to become excited by your efforts, characters bore you, you find yourself using "fillers" and not getting anywhere with the plot.

Fillers: Resorting to boring description to fill the pages/unnecessary subplots/characters that spring in and out of the story for no apparent reason.

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