Sunday, June 6, 2010

Simple Techniques to Unlock the Writer Within You

Everyone gets writer's block every now and again, and coming up with a great idea for story can be a daunting task. Even more, just writing the story can be an overwhelming project, to say the least. You don't have to be a magnificent writer to write a great story. With some basic techniques, writing can become as second nature as riding a bike. It can even be enjoyable and rewarding.

When trying to write a story, you may be faced with that dreaded white sheet of paper or that blank computer screen staring back at you. But don't fret. Using these simple techniques will help you unlock the writer within you.

Clearing Your Mind

Find a quiet place, somewhere where you feel relaxed and calm. Take deep breaths and release the air inside, letting your body fall limp. Do this for several minutes until you feel completely relaxed. Then you are ready for the next step.


Daydreaming? This doesn't sound like something a writer would do, does it? When would a writer get any writing done if he or she is daydreaming? You will get writing done, but you have to have something to write about, and daydreaming will allow those creative juices to flow. When an idea comes to mind, jot it down. Write down any visual images that float through your mind. Don't spend too much time writing at this point, though. You want the daydreaming process to take control. When another idea comes to mind, jot it down and continue this process for at least 30 minutes to an hour.

Free Writing

Now that you have some ideas down on paper, the next step is free writing. Look at one of the ideas you have jotted down. You may have words, phrases, fragments, complete sentences, or even short paragraphs. That is great. Now choose one of the ideas you've written and just start writing whatever comes to mind about that idea. It doesn't have to be a complete sentence or even a phrase. It could be one word. And from that one word, think of other words or phrases that come to mind and jot them down. Then look at your list of words and phrases and write a complete sentence about each one. Remember the words and phrases don't have to relate to each other. You're just getting your ideas down on paper.


Every good story begins with a great outline. This technique helps you organize all those ideas you daydreamed about into a workable story. It seems a daunting task at this point, but with a well-organized plan, you can create a story. The outline can be as simple as three paragraphs: an introduction, a body paragraph, and a conclusion, or it can be as elaborate as 25 chapters. No matter how detailed or how simple your outline is, it is a great method for getting those ideas clearly focused so that you can start the writing process.


Now that you have a detailed plan of how you will write your story, start writing. Sounds simple, huh? It is. You have done the hard work of coming up with an idea for the story and creating an outline of what you will cover in your story. Now the easy part begins. Put those ideas down on paper. For some writers this sometimes can be harder than they think. No writer ever really feels that the first attempt at a story is his or her best work. That is a good thing because all writing can be improved. As a writer you should want to make your writing the best it can be. In order to do that, you will need to revisit the work.


Once that first draft is written, take a break. You have spent a lot of time on your story, and now you need to give your mind a rest. When you feel you have distanced yourself from your story a bit, revisit it and reread it as if it were the first time seeing it. Notice any flaws in your writing. Does it make sense overall? Does the writing flow? Do the ideas link together cohesively? Does the story interest you? These questions are starting points to help you think about your writing and ways you can improve it. Make any necessary changes to the story to make it interesting, to make others want to read it, and to make yourself proud that you have completed a story locked inside you waiting to be unleashed.

Writing is never an easy process, especially when you don't have an idea of what you want to write, but writing does not have to be an impossible task to accomplish. Start with an idea and branch out from there. Have a plan in place for how you will pull those ideas together. Then put pen to paper and create your story. Don't forget, all good writing is rewriting.

Ready to write that story now? All you have to do is apply these simple techniques, and you have got the makings of a great story.

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